Incremental materialized views
Epsio’s incremental materialized views update results for queries whenever the underlying data changes, without ever re-calculating the entire dataset.
Instant and up-to-date results for complex queries
Supports all major operators (JOIN, CTEs, GROUP BY, etc.)
Integrates with PostgreSQL, MySQL and MSSQL.
Trusted by companies worldwide

How do incremental materialized views work?
Incremental materialized views efficiently maintain up-to-date results for complex queries by updating the results whenever the underlying data changes, while never re-calculating the entire dataset.
Can Epsio handle complex queries?
Epsio’s incremental materialized views are designed for complex queries and support all major operators (JOIN, CTEs, GROUP BY, etc.)
Results are always pre-calculated
Results constantly update whenever the underlying data changes.
Only changes in data are processed, significantly reducing infrastructure costs.